My wellness journey (Pt 2.)


Happy Friday, friends! Last month I shared a little bit about my wellness journey. Today I’d like to share some of the steps I took to heal. The first thing I did after seeing many doctors while trying to figure out what was going on with my hormones was begin my research process.

What foods should I be eating? What foods and toxins should I be avoiding? The list goes on. One of the most amazing women I met during my research process was Joy McCarthy of @joyoushealth. She was doing one-on-one coaching at the time, and she provided the groundwork for the regimen I adopted across eating, mindfulness and beauty. I also had wonderful help from @holisticvanity, which incorporated ayurvedic practices into my holistic routines. If you’re just starting out in your journey to wellness, please know you aren’t alone.

Do your research, talk to people and seek support from holistic practitioners who can offer a different perspective on your circumstances. Ultimately, you need to find people who truly understand what’s happening with you. In my experience, you are your best doctor, so figure out what’s best for you! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Swipe ➡️ for the reminder I set for myself of what to avoid, eat more of + supplements I still take today.

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My wellness journey