My wellness journey
My wellness journey started after college when my hormones became so uncontrollable, I didn’t know what to do! I felt tired all of the time, my acne was horrendous and my hair looked like a dead plant that hadn’t been watered in weeks. I visited many doctors and finally discovered I had a mild PCOS, which has become my journey.
I share all of this to tell you that while feeling hormonally unwell, I knew I needed to change my lifestyle. I started by adopting one habit at a time, such as drinking lemon water every morning, exercising more, eating more vegetables, eliminating toxic beauty products and learning what living a healthy lifestyle means. At first, I felt overwhelmed, but I gave myself time and grace. Now, I can say that I’m acne-free and living a more hormone-balanced life. After getting my physical health together, I became passionate about my mental health, especially as it relates to being a woman in the workplace. I’ll be sharing more about the lessons I’ve learned along the way since I’m in a better place to educate and hopefully inspire you to take your health into your hands. We all have the power to do so!
Where are you in your wellness journey? I’d love to know!